Stone Lovers
2017 _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb589094_badd5-136bcc5-3194-bb3b-136badd5_ 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Loving Stone
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb589094-136bad5cde-3194-bb589094-136bad5ccc3 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 1_cc7819094-badd5-136bcc5_b58f5-3194bd5-136bcc5_ -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Mixed Tecnique - MAC (Multiple Art on Canvas)
Abbraccio Ancestrale | Pietre della Fecondità |
Picco Blu | Sinfonia di azzurri |
Alba | Gioa di vivere |
Rosso e Rosso | Tango |
Visti di Sera | Rosso Ancestrale |
Bartolomeo Gatto Energy in Red 160x160 | Bartolomeo Gatto 200x100 Incantesimo |
A friend of mine asked me to make a graphic to install as a headboard. She was very happy, but the result was so disappointing that it left the mark of a defeat in me.
I did not give up, I treasured the negative points and began to study the various possibilities. 'idea of realized works that could find a place in the panorama of Contemporary Art.
Thus was born the collection MAC (Multiple Art on Canvas) where I rework some relevant and suggestive themes in digital my art.